After School Rec Club

The City of Fernie is pleased to announce the After School Rec Club Program will return October 1st 2024!

Fernie Afterschool Rec Club

The Fernie Rec Club is focused on engaging youth  5-12 years of age in a variety of activities that promote physical activity, creativity, and personal health and wellness in a safe and inclusive environment. Activities offered include swimming, outdoor play, games, crafts, drama, and sports.

Program Details and Registration

The Fernie Rec Club and Junior Rec Club will take place in the multipurpose room at the Fernie Aquatic Centre from 3:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Thursdays.

  • This program includes outdoor activities, so please ensure your child is equipped for all weather conditions. Please send your child with a swimsuit and a towel on Monday's and Wednesday's as there will be an opportunity to use the pool
  • Please send your child with a refillable water container every day, along with a healthy snack. The City of Fernie aims to provide a nut-free environment, no nut products please!

Registration is first come, first served. Registration will open on the 15th of the month prior and participants can be registered up to four weeks in advance. 

For further details and to register, please visit Recreation Online.