Facilities & Facility Rental
We are pleased to offer a variety of indoor and outdoor locations for one-time rentals at affordable rates. Whether you're planning a recreational activity, private event, or function, our facilities are designed to suit a range of needs.
- Fernie Memorial Arena
- Fernie Memorial Arena Annex Room
- Curling Club Lounge (available April to October 15)
- Max Turyk Community Centre Gymnasium
- Max Turyk Community Centre Multipurpose Room
- Fernie Aquatic Centre Multipurpose Room
- Annex Park
- City Hall Grounds
- Courthouse Grounds
- Fernie Aquatic Centre Grounds
- James White Park
- Rotary Park
- Station Square
- Skate Park
- Bike Park
For details on our outdoor recreation areas and courts, including sports fields, please visit the Sports Fields and Courts page.
For other types of rentals, please visit the following pages:
- Seasonal Rentals: To apply for a seasonal rental of a municipal facility, visit our Seasonal Rental page.
- Special Events: For weddings, festivals, or large-scale events, visit our Special Events page.
Steps to Booking a Facility
To book a City facility, follow the steps below:
1. Check Availability
Review the online facility schedule to check if the venue is available for your desired dates. Please note that not all facilities have online schedules, and inquiries can be directed to recreation@fernie.ca for more information and availability.
2. Submit Your Booking Request
Complete the Booking Request Form and Signed Rental Agreement then email them to recreation@fernie.ca
- Requests are processed in the order they are received.
- Due to a high volume of submissions, allow 2-4 business days for a response.
- Submit your request at least 7 business days before your booking date to secure your desired facility.
3. Receive Booking Confirmation
You will receive an email and permit confirming your booking once your request has been reviewed and approved.
4. Additional Information
After receiving confirmation, the following steps must be completed before using the rental:
- Provide Proof of Insurance:
- Submit your insurance certificate, ensuring it includes:
- A minimum of $5 million in general liability.
- The City of Fernie is listed as Additionally Insured.
- Insurance can be purchased online through the Municipal Insurance Association of BC.
- Make Payment:
- Payment must be completed as follows:
- For bookings scheduled 7 or fewer days from submission: Payment is due immediately.
- For all other bookings: Payment is due 7 days prior to your booking date.
- Payment options include:
- In Person: At the Fernie Aquatic Centre, 250 Pine Avenue.
- By Phone: Call 250-423-4466 to pay by credit card.
- By Cheque: Made out to the City of Fernie.
- Pick Up Your Key/Access Code:
- Keys or access codes (if applicable) will be available for pickup at the Fernie Aquatic Centre 1-2 days before your rental date.
*Please ensure you have your permit with you during your booking.
Fees & Cancellations
- Rental Fees: Facility rental fees are outlined in the Municipal Facilities and Parks User Regulation and Fees Bylaw.
- Cancellations:
- Review the Cancellation and Refund Policy specific to your booking in your Rental Agreement.
- All cancellations must be submitted in writing 10 days prior to the booking date to receive a full refund.
- You will be financially responsible for facility rentals, as booked, if unused for your own reasons.
Facility Maintenance
The Parks, Facilities and Recreation Department manages facility maintenance. For questions or concerns about a facility, call 250-423-4466.
If maintenance is required, please complete a service request form.