Stage 1 Water Restrictions in Effect

Under the City’s new Water Conservation and Regulation Bylaw, the City of Fernie automatically has water restrictions in effect from March 1 through October 31 each year.

The City’s water bylaws are important tools to ensure that we operate within the capacity of our drinking water system, protect our infrastructure, maintain high quality drinking water, and have the required water flow for fire suppression.

Stage 1:

  • Lawn watering: permitted 3 days per week, for two hours maximum, 5am – 10am OR 8pm – 11pm:
    •  ODD numbered addresses: Tuesday, Friday, Sunday.
    • EVEN numbered addresses: Monday, Thursday, Saturday.
    • NO watering on Wednesdays.
  • Washing personal vehicles and impermeable surfaces (driveways, sidewalks) is permitted with a handheld shutoff nozzle.
  • Watering of food producing gardens and plants is exempt at this stage.
  • Daily watering of new sod, seeds, grass permitted with a Permit.

Water restrictions violations are enforceable through ticketing and fines. Please do your part to help us conserve water. For more information, please visit