Outdoor Rink Update

We know many of you associate these frigid temperatures with skating at the Outdoor Rink. Here’s an update on why the rink isn’t open this year:

What’s Changed?

  • No Onsite Services – The temporary amenity building, which provided necessary services to flood and maintain the ice, can no longer be occupied and must be removed.
  • Loss of Dedicated Volunteers – In past years, volunteers played a key role in clearing and maintaining the ice. Despite outreach efforts, previous calls for volunteers have been unsuccessful.
  • Future Site Development – The current rink site has been designated for the Elk Valley Field House Society’s proposed facility, that would be built and operated by the non-profit society and bring much needed indoor recreation space to our community .
  • More Skating at the Arena – To ensure skating opportunities, we’ve expanded public skating and shinny at Fernie Memorial Arena and prioritized community use, over private and user-group bookings.

What Hasn’t Changed?

  • The Rink Boards Remain Community-Owned – The City still owns the rink boards, donated by the Calgary Flames Foundation. Formal offers haven’t been entertained, and no decisions around the future of the boards have been made. Any discussion about their future would be a public conversation with Council and the community.
  • Volunteers are Key to Successful Operations – We’re exploring ways to support the fresh community interest in maintaining an outdoor rink while making sure the efforts are safe and there’s a group or person responsible for coordinating.
  • Weather Challenges – Fernie’s climate makes consistently maintaining outdoor natural ice difficult. In our best years we’ve had around 25 skateable days. In a bad year, like 2023/24, we get none.

We appreciate the community’s enthusiasm for outdoor skating and will continue to explore options to support it. Stay tuned for updates!