Respect the Brain Bucket Campaign

The City of Fernie is happy to support the Respect the Brain Bucket – Fernie Helmet Challenge 2024!
It has been identified from the Elk Valley Hospital and physicians that more and more individuals are being treated for preventable head injuries due to not wearing helmets when riding bikes, skateboards, scooters or inline skates.
To help bring awareness to the importance of protecting your “brain bucket”, Respect the Brain Bucket Campaign is on now until September with support of Fernie Fire Rescue, City of Fernie Bylaw Services, Elk Valley Hospital, RCMP and British Columbia Ambulance Services.
Fernie Fire Rescue team members, Bylaw Officers and other campaign ambassadors have been out patrolling and “ticketing” those who are wearing a helmet for positive reinforcement.
Tickets can be used to enter prize draws which will be held at the end of each month until August. A grand prize draw will happen during Family Safety Day on September 21!
You can find more information on this important campaign here.