2024 New Sidewalks Program

The City of Fernie is building new sidewalks to increase accessibility throughout the City and provide safe routes for people walking and rolling to meet their daily needs. We are following the recommendations from the 2022 ATMP (Active Transportation Master Plan) to fill in gaps in our pedestrian network. Three streets are getting new sidewalks this summer:

  • 7th Street from 11th Avenue to 9th Avenue.
  • 9th Street from the Annex Dike to 9th Avenue.
  • Ridgemont Avenue from 31 Ridgemont Avenue to 51 Ridgemont Avenue.

These locations are all within the first priority list of pedestrian projects determined by the ATMP. The upgrades were designed by ISL Engineering, based on updated roadway cross-sections from the ATMP that focuses on transportation sustainability and promotes walkability.

7th Street will see the following improvements:

  • A new 1.9 m wide concrete sidewalk hugging the south edge of the road right-of-way along 7th Street between 9th Avenue and 11th Avenue.
  • Wheelchair ramps at street corners.
  • Drainage improvements at the 9th Avenue intersection.

9th Street will see the following improvements:

  • A new 1.9 m wide concrete sidewalk hugging the north edge of the road right-of-way along 9th Street between the Annex Dike pathway and 9th Avenue.
  • The sidewalk will meander around large trees.
  • Wheelchair ramps at street corners.
  • Drainage improvements at the 9th Avenue intersection.

Ridgemont Avenue will see the following improvement:

  • A new 1.9 m wide concrete sidewalk hugging the existing curbline, sized to accommodate two strollers or wheelchairs travelling in opposite directions. This sidewalk will tie into existing sidewalk along the Avenue, solving a missing link in the City’s pedestrian network.

 All construction will take place on City land. Homeowners are encouraged to remove and replant any flowers or shrubs from the construction areas prior to the contractor beginning the work.

What is happening now?

The $690,000 contract has been awarded to Marwest Industries Ltd. $500,000 of the budget will be supplied by the BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program. Construction is anticipated from June 10th through early August 2024.

What to Expect During Construction

For the duration of construction, 7th Street and 9th Street will temporarily be converted to one-way roads, to accommodate the construction zone. Ridgemont Avenue will remain two-way, however on-street parking will be suspended for the duration of construction. Please follow all signage. 

Excavation for the sidewalks will take place, followed by the storm system improvements, and then forming and pouring of the concrete sidewalk. Residents will receive notice prior to the sidewalk being formed and poured as they will not be able to access their driveways with a vehicle for three to four days while the concrete cures.  The Contractor will then complete surface restoration, this will include tying back to driveways & walkways and boulevard restoration.

Road and Driveway Access

Access to driveways may be impacted during the construction period; however, access will be restored as quickly as possible. Pedestrian access to all homes and businesses will be maintained during construction.

For more information about the ATMP, please visit Fernie - Document Center (civicweb.net)