Property Use & Maintenance
The City of Fernie puts limits on the things people can do on, and with, their property to help ensure that general standards of health, safety, and cleanliness are maintained for the benefit of everyone.
Concerns the City can help with
- Properties in poor condition
- Suspected hoarding
- Vehicles parked in the front yard
- Home-based businesses where customers are coming on site
- Overgrown yards Illegal suites and illegal uses
Operating without a business license Fences in disrepair
If you live in a strata
If you live in a strata, the rules are slightly different when it comes to property use concerns. Stratas are governed first by the provincial Strata Property Act. Each strata can then make their own rules within that framework. These stricter strata bylaws overrule City bylaws. For many property use concerns, you need to contact your strata council or strata manager, and learn how they enforce your strata bylaws.
Property use bylaws
For more information on relevant bylaws for property use and maintenance:
- Building Bylaw
- Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw
- Floodplain Management Bylaw
- Highway Encroachment Bylaw
- Highways and Related Matters Bylaw
- Noise Bylaw
- Pesticide Use Control Bylaw
- Sign Bylaw
- Snow and Ice Removal Bylaw
- Streets and Traffic Bylaw
- Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw
- Unsightly Property Prevention Bylaw
- Waste Regulation Bylaw
- Zoning Bylaw
Bylaw Services responds to complaints from the public and other government agencies, and identifies property use issues. Bylaw Services does not respond to civil issues. Information regarding the complainant is kept confidential, unless the complaint ends up in the court system.