James White Park – Play Field Improvements
Competition Number: --
Tender Title: James White Park – Play Field Improvements
Posted Date: July 29, 2014, 1:00am
Closing Date: August 7, 2014, 5:00pm
Last Modified Date: March 3, 2020, 1:01am
Status: Closed
Awarded: Mow and Snow Land Care (2008) Ltd. for $147,040.00 exclusive of G.S.T.
The intent of this Bid Call is to obtain formal offers from Contractors for the remediation of the James White ball fields (the "Project"). The City shall be receiving quotations clearly marked “James White Park – Play Field Improvements” (the "Bidding Documents"), to construct and complete the Project as fully described in the Contract Documents at the City of Fernie, City Hall, 501 3rd Avenue, Fernie BC up to 4:00pm local time, Thursday August 7, 2014.
Please submit all inquiries about the Project and bid documents to the Director of Leisure Services before end of day July 31, 2014. All Tenders will be opened publicly (except those disqualified by late arrival) at the close of this bid call. One representative for the Tenderer(s) may attend the public opening.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, and to award the Contract to the Bidder other than the lowest Bidder.