Development and Permit Tracking Software RFP

Competition Number: 2024-08-12

Tender Title: Development and Permit Tracking Software RFP

Posted Date: July 11, 2024, 12:00am

Closing Date: August 12, 2024, 2:00pm

Last Modified Date: July 11, 2024, 12:18pm

Status: Open

Awarded: --


The Corporation of the City of Fernie (the City) requests Proposals from professional, qualified, experienced companies for supply, delivery, installation, and configuration of a Development and Building Permit Software.

The City of Fernie is a community of approximately 6,320 residents (2021 Census) located on Highway No. 3 in the Elk Valley in southeastern British Columbia near the Alberta border. With a growth rate of approximately 17%, the City has been experiencing increasing development and construction levels in terms of housing units and permit values.

In December, 2023, the City of Fernie completed a comparative “Development Approvals Enhancement” project with the assistance from McElhanney Ltd. (McElhanney). Through a robust engagement process with City staff and the local development and construction communities, the project deliverables identified the urgent need for an online system for development and building permit applications. As part of this initiative, a Development and Permitting Needs Assessment was conducted, which detailed the City's current operational needs and the specific requirements for a development and permitting software. The proposed software requirements from this assessment have been instrumental in developing the Solution Requirements outlined in this RFP.

Following the software needs assessment, the City of Fernie has started an initiative to launch an online development and permitting software system. This project is a top priority for the City, and aims to streamline and enhance the management of development and permitting applications. Scheduled for implementation in 2024, the City is seeking a system that will transform the current development and building permit practices into fully digital, more automated, and efficient processes. The system should improve communication among staff and with applicants; and provide customizable application tracking and reporting features to help track progress toward meeting Council priorities and organization goals.

Contact Information:

Proposals marked “Development and Building Permit Software” will be received at the City of Fernie, City Hall, PO Box 190, 501-3rd Avenue, Fernie, BC up to 2:00PM local time (MDT), August 12, 2024.

The Proponent may submit a Proposal either by email or in a hard copy, as follows:

(a) Email - If the Proponent chooses to submit by email, the Proponent must submit the Proposal electronically in a single PDF file to the City by email at: on or before the Closing Date and Time. Proponents, if submitting a Proposal electronically by email, must request a responding email from the City (not a read or delivery receipt) confirming that the Proposal has been received, and until such time as such email is sent by the City to a Proponent, the Proposal shall be deemed NOT to have been received by the City.

Note that the maximum file size the City can receive is 10Mb. If sending large email attachments, Proponents should phone to confirm receipt. A Proponent bears all risk that the City’s equipment functions properly so that the City receives the Proposal on time.

(b) Hard Copy - If the Proponent chooses NOT to submit by email, the Proponent shall submit 3 bound copies of the proposal which must be delivered to:

City of Fernie
Attention: Derek Cimolini, Manager of Planning
501-3rd Avenue
PO Box 190
Fernie BC V0B 1M0
on or before the Closing Date and Time.

Proponents are advised that courier service to our location may take several days.


Please submit all inquiries to:
Derek Cimolini, Manager of Planning
PO Box 190, 501 – 3rd Avenue, Fernie BC V0B 1M0
Telephone: 250.423.2239

All inquiries related to the RFP must be directed to the City’s Representative in writing, quoting the RFP number and name. Inquires should be sent by email up to five business days before the Closing Date sent by email.


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