2025 Road Rehabilitation Project
February 14, 2025
As part of the City’s Annual Roads Program, in 2025 we are redeveloping Canyon Trail and Cedar Avenue from the Highway 3 intersection to Bossio Road. This roadway was identified for full roadway reconstruction as part of the 2023 Pavement Condition Assessment report and is a short-term priority project in the City’s Integrated Infrastructure Capital Plan. The new road cross-section is similar to existing, with one lane in each direction, and following the recommendations of the 2021 Active Transportation Master Plan, the multi-use pathway will be extended to the Bossio intersection.
The project includes:
- Full roadway reconstruction with new pavement, curb, and gutter.
- Replacement and extension of the multi-use pathway from Highway 3 to Bossio Road.
From Highway 3 to the Canyon Trail turn off, the multi-use pathway will be reconstructed adjacent to the roadway, separated by a concrete barrier (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Canyon Trail Cross Section B from Canyon Trail to Highway 3
On Cedar Avenue from the Canyon Trail turn off to Bossio Road, the new extension of the multi-use pathway will be separated from the road by a boulevard. The roadway will be narrowed from the existing approximately 8-10m width to 6.6m wide (see Figure 2).The new boulevard will provide off-road snow storage and safely separate vehicles from pathway users.
Figure 2: Cedar Avenue Cross Section A from Bossio Road past Canyon Trail
The project is currently in the design phase. It is scheduled to go to tender in March to secure a contractor for construction.
Construction is anticipated from July through October 2025. Acknowledging that this is the main access road for the neighbourhood, the City will work with our contractor to develop a plan to complete construction while limiting traffic disruptions. During construction, should temporary full road closures be necessary, alternate access to the neighbourhood through West Fernie and up Burma Road will be signed and utilized. The City will provide more detailed information about construction scheduling and road impacts once the construction contract is secured.
If you have any questions or feedback about the project, please direct them to operations@fernie.ca