2024 Property Tax Notices

Property taxes are due July 2, 2024 by 5:00 PM MDT, after which time a 10% penalty will be added to any unpaid current year taxes. No exemption from taxation or penalty is conferred by reason of non-receipt of the Property Tax Notice. Payment of your property taxes can be made in person at City Hall, by cheque in the mail or through the mail slot at City Hall, through online banking, or at most financial institutions. Credit cards are accepted through OptionPay at City Hall or online (third-party fees apply to credit card transactions). Postdated cheques are accepted. Postmarks on mailed remittances will not be considered as date of payment. All eligible property owners must complete the Homeowner Grant application every year. Payment or grant claims not received by July 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM MDT are subject to a 10% penalty. All homeowner grant applications are made directly to the province - online (www.gov.bc.ca/homeownergrant) or by phone (1-888-355-2700).