Swim Lesson Registration Begins November 1st
October 28, 2021
We're excited to announce, swim lessons are returning to the Fernie Aquatic Centre!
Enrollment opens on Monday, November 1st at 8:00 AM, with lessons beginning on November 9th.
Classes fill up quickly. To ensure registration goes smoothly on November 1st, we recommend you:
- Contact the Recreation desk at 250-423-4466 to confirm your child's skill level.
- Go to fernie.ca/recreation and click, "Sign Up/Sign In" to create an account, or check your login and password are working.
- Ensure children and family members are added to your account before registration day.
- Browse through the available lessons sets and select your top choice ahead of time.
All lessons are now un-parented, so there is no requirement for a parent to enter the pool with their child.
Hot tip: Save your selected lesson by clicking the heart icon next to the activity and add it to your wish list. When registration opens, simply log in to your account, return to your wish list and complete your transaction.
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